After all was said and done, Lucy and Paige tied for First Place. We had fun. Louis mostly wanted to crash his car into our cars. The popcorn saved the game from breaking up prematurely. A fun Sunday afternoon activity.
It was Wacky Hair day at school. Had to take a picture of this. We forgot to take a picture of her for Crazy Clothes day. She went all out with inside out shirt, pants, mis match socks, shoes, and ponytail holders.
We had cup cakes with "doggie bones" on them for her friend pary and a doggie cake for her family party. We made doggie and bone chocolate cookies the day before. What a cute five year old. She is ready for kindergarten. She was so brave when she got her immunizations, we went out for frosty's afterward.
Hey everybody it's family night... the kids thought five headed monsters were a good idea. That's okay with us but mom was reluctant since she had another sinus infection. Next is the traditional london bridges game. If it was a late night like usual we had the lesson and treat at the same time. The kids listen better that way sometimes.
We each made our own pizza! It was a good night for Mom because everyone liked their dinner. And we didn't have to go buy pizza. Paige got her cheese and everyone else got their pepperoni.